Drop in and reach the end of one very tricky hanging sequence to reach the secret exit. Instead of continuing forward, move toward the camera (backward!) to reveal another hidden hole. Hangin’ Out Dropping down through the second sewer hole, Crash will land in a pool of blue-hued water.Before leaving through the tunnel, hop across the hole and backtrack to find your tiny polar bear companion. Un-Bearable Once again, this secret exit is only available at the end of the stage.Hop on and you’ll ride the secret teleporter. Bear Down At the very end of the level, after Crash is kicked off the running polar bear, turn around and use the floating circle platforms (that drop into the water) to reach a small island in the pond.The Speed Shoes you unlock for defeating Cortex will make this task a lot easier. Instead of jumping on the jet ski, bounce on the floating crates to reach an unmarked stone platform on the right wall of the map.

Air Crash The secret level exit is located at the first jet ski section.To reach the two secret levels, Totally Bear and Totally Fly, you’ll need to discover these secret exits. All the level exits are unmarked - you’ll instantly teleport when you reach the hidden spot. There are five secret level exits in Crash Bandicoot 2. Crash Bandicoot 3: All Fake Crash Easter Egg Locations.
Road to ruins crash bandicoot 2 how to#

Also, as many of you know, a lot of Crash games will have a similar vibe and theme to other levels within the game. The latter titles offered you more, especially the slide into a high jump.

Sane Trilogy.Ī majority of these games are from the first title, and when I thought about it, I think it might be due to the fact that Crash doesn’t have much at his disposal to aid him through platforming. In excitement with the announcement, I decided to look back and compile the hardest Crash Bandicoot levels from the N. So you could understand my and many others’ excitement when Crash Bandicoot 4: It’s About Time was announced. But with the awesome remastered titles, we know Crash is now in good hands. I know a lot didn’t go well, especially after Naughty Dog moved on.